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Folkert W. Asselbergs

Professor of Precision Medicine, Consultant Cardiologist

Prof. Dr. Folkert W. Asselbergs is a consultant cardiologist, vice-chair of Amsterdam Heart Center, Professor of Precision medicine at the Institute of Cardiovascular Science and Institute of Health Informatics, University College London, Director of the BRC Clinical and Research Informatics Unit, UCLH, chair data infrastructure Dutch Cardiovascular Alliance (, and associate editor of the European Heart Journal for the section digital innovation. He recently founded the UCLH nudging unit that will provide a framework to conduct pragmatic trials embedded within routine care for knowledge discovery and improvement of patient care by increasing guideline adherence (

His research program focuses on precision medicine using real-world data from electronic health records and registries and -omics research for drug target discovery, pharmacogenetics and stratified medicine using digital twinning. He published over 600 papers and leads several (inter-)national consortia in the field of trustworthy AI, translation data science and digital health.

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