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BloodCounts! second workshop at MRC The Gambia Unit

BloodCounts! was pleased to hold the second annual workshop at MRC The Gambia Unit at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (MRCG).

As well as initialising the project with the MRCG, we held our annual workshop, inviting all members to discuss their progress and scientific talks. We met a range of experts, including clinicians, researchers and IT personnel to establish the design of the project.

MRCG is an important partner of BloodCounts! As well as talented researchers and technicians, MRCG has excellent infrastructure for carrying out large-scale data acquisition and analysis. They have two Full Blood Count analysers, which are in their two main sites. This will enable BloodCounts! to have a wide diversity of data.

Starting in January, BloodCounts! is supporting a local PhD student to work on the project. The knowledge transfer between BloodCounts! and the Gambia will ensure that we are able to make the best use of the data.

Thank you to MRCG for hosting our 2023 workshop, and to all the staff who are supporting BloodCounts!

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